
Actors:  Actors A-B - Actors C-D - Actors E-G - Actors H-J - Actors K-M - Actors N-R - Actors S-Z, No credits

Some lists have not been added yet, and have not checked all pages for dead links etc yet.

Video clips: Trailers - Short films - Acting reels - Music videos - Interviews - Documentaries - Spoofs and Parodies - Commercials

Film/TV: Feature films, TV episodes, Mini series and TV-series

Other lists: Production/crew - Music


Facebook page


Casting calls

I'll post casting notices here up to several times a week, and remove the old ones. Will post on the NativeCelebs facebook page when I update the page. I usually don't include "any ethnicity" postings. Instructions for casting directors/producers below

New: A facebook group where anyone can post casting notices:
- will probably be more updated than this page, so check it and become a member if you're an actor or need to post a casting notice!

Also check out the document on that group, where I put casting resources as I find them, both regional and general.

Update August 4

Last Updated (Thursday, 04 August 2011 10:18)

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Stabilization of video cameras

These days, you don't need more than a cameraphone or point and shoot digicam to be a filmmaker. Videos on Youtube, facebook and Vimeo don't need to be shot with professional cameras. But even with a simple camera, you'll need some pro gear for advanced shots. The smaller your camera, the more you'll need this gear. So, I've found some videos and links describing low cost gear you can make yourself. These are versions of gear used professionally, and in here you'll also find how to use it.

Last Updated (Saturday, 23 July 2011 14:17)

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Web presence for actors

If you are an actor and know you need some sort of web presence, read on!

Last Updated (Sunday, 14 March 2010 20:42)

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